Collar class

Collar class provides the several top level static functions

Get the collar instance directly

const collar = require('collar.js');

Collar.ns(namespace, meta)

Create a new namespace with name and metadata. Namespace is used to create node, and group node. Each node must belong to only one namespace. You need to create a namespace first to create nodes.

For the operators defined in namespace, see SYNC/ASYNC OPERATORS from the left side bar


Arguement Type Description
namespace string the namespace name
meta map the meta data


Type Description
Namespace the namespace

create a namespace

const collar = require('collar.js');
const ns = collar.ns('com.collartechs.demo', {
  author: 'Bo HOU',
  module: 'test.namespace'

// now you can use ns to build your app / data flow


Use an addon to extend collar. Addon could add additional operators on both collar and namespace object. See Addon section

Note: you need to use addons at the very beginning of your application


Arguement Type Description
addon Addon the addon object


Type Description
Collar the extended collar object

create a namespace

const collar = require('collar.js');
const DevToolAddon = require('collar.js-dev-client');
collar.use(new DevToolAddon());

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    No results matching ""