
ReduxMultipleRoutesApp class. The predefined architecture for multiple routes redux application.

In multipls routes redux application, there are four components:

  • store component
  • router component
  • view component
  • system component

multiple routes application architecture

See the following diagram to understand the architecture and data flow of redux multiple routes application architecture. (This diagram is generated from collar dev tool)

multiple routes application architecture


constructor, create a redux multipl routes app. You don't need to call this constructor directly, you can use Collux.createApp('redux-multiple-routes-app', options) function to create a multiple routes redux application. Use the following options to fill the second argument.


Arguement Type Description
options.getName Function a function to return app name, function(): string
options.initState Function storeStateInitiator function, function(): state

create a redux single route application

const app = Collux.createApp('redux-multiple-routes-app', {
  initState: () => {
    return 100;

ReduxMultipleRoutesApp.route(path, page)

Create a route and a page object to handle it. Each page object must contain two functions:

  • render() : void
  • updateState(state) : void


Arguement Type Description
path String express like url path
page.render Function render function, function(): void
page.updateState Function viewStateUpdater function, function(state): void

Add a route to handle '/home' url

app.route('/home', {
    render: () => {
        viewComponent = ReactDOM.render(
            <Home sensor={app.getViewSensor()}/>,

    updateState: (state) => {

The React Component to support client side routing. This Link component is different from Collux.Link React component, you don't need to specify the sensor property to it. It has already inherited the application view sensor from application object.


Property Type Description
to String the url path to link to

A client side link to '/user'

// get the Link component from multiple route application
const Link = app.Link;

// use it in JSX
<Link to="/user">This is a client side router link</Link>


Set the default route of the application. By default, the default route is '/'


Arguement Type Description
route String the default route path

Create a reducer to handle 'INCREMENT' action

// set the default route to '/counter'


Set the root path the application. By default, the default root path is '/'


Arguement Type Description
path String the default root path

Set root path to /example

// set the root path to '/example'


Redirect your app to another page (client side routing)


Arguement Type Description
pageUrl String the page url

Redirect to /counter page

// redirect to /counter page

ReduxMultipleRoutesApp.use(name, middleware, async)

Use a middleware


Arguement Type Description
name String middleware name
middleware Function middleware function
async boolean if the middleware async

A middleware is a function, who takes the msg (sent from store to view) as argument, and returns a msg to next middleware (or view).

sync : function middleware(msg) : msg async: function middleware(msg, done) the done function for async middleware: function done(newMsg) : void

// a simple log middleware
app.use('log', function(msg) {
  return msg;

// async middleware example
app.use('async middleware', function(msg, done) {
  // handle msg here
}, true);

ReduxMultipleRoutesApp.reduce(actionName, reducer)

Create a reducer to handle action


Arguement Type Description
action String the action to handle
reducer Function function(prevState, action) : void

Create a reducer to handle 'INCREMENT' action

app.reduce('INCREMENT', (prevState, action) => {
  return prevState + 1;


Set a store state initiator to initiate the store state.


Arguement Type Description
initiator Function initiator function, function(): state

render a counter view

app.setStoreStateInitiator(() => {
  return 100; // the initial state

Property: the store component


Property: the view component


Get the application sensor. Application sensor is used to listen to the system/application level events.


Get the view sensor. View sensor is used to listen to the UI events.


Set a custom store component. Use this method to override the default store component


Arguement Type Description
store Component component object


Set a custom view component. Use this method to override the default view component


Arguement Type Description
view Component component object




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