Redux Single Route Application architecture

In single route redux application, there are three components:

  • store component
  • view component
  • system component

single route application architecture

See the following diagram to understand the architecture and data flow of redux single route application architecture. (This diagram is generated from collar dev tool)

single route application architecture

Check ReduxSingleRouteApp class

Architecture Guide

The single route application architecture can be customized in the following ways:

Setup the initial state

This could be done either by the constructor option initState, or through the setStoreStateInitiator function.

const app = Collux.createApp('redux-single-route-app', {
  initState: () => {
    return 100;


app.setStoreStateInitiator(() => {
  return 100;

Render the view

This could be done either by the constructor option render, or through the setRenderer function.

const app = Collux.createApp('redux-single-route-app', {
  render: () => {
      <CounterView />,


app.setRenderer(() => {
    <CounterView />,

Setup the view state updater

When store state changes, the new state will be pushed to the view, you need to setup a view state updater to update your view with the new state. This could be done either by the constructor option updateState, or through the setViewStateUpdater function.

const app = Collux.createApp('redux-single-route-app', {
  updateState: (state) => {
      value: state


app.setViewStateUpdater((state) => {
    value: state

Add reducer to handle actions

You can use reduce function to add a new action processing data flow, for example, the INCREMENT action data flow in the above diagram is created by the following code:

app.reduce('INCREMENT', (prevState, action) => {
  return prevState + 1;




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